
Localization is the process of adapting a translated text or product to specific requirements, taking into account the target group preferences with regard to the cultural, linguistic and social aspects in a given region or country. This includes not only translating a text into a particular language but also adjusting it according to the respective culture and society and its aspects and characteristics, the traditions in a given area, the ethical standards and marketing practices prevailing within it as well as ensuring the use of the appropriate local currencies, units of measure, graphic symbols, and many other details that are of critical importance when communicating within the target group.

Where the translation gives up, the localization carries on

Translation versus localization

Translation is the process of rendering a written or spoken text from the source into target language. This is usually quite literal and faithfully reflects the source content. The translator does not take the non-linguistic or cultural aspects into consideration. What does this mean? In some cases, a standard translation might be of inferior quality or it could even be incorrect, unclear, or sound unintelligent or ridiculous to the target group in a particular country.

When the content should be localized?

Language localization is particularly crucial when it comes to the adaptation of the global products, such as software, websites, video games or marketing articles and slogans. It makes it possible for the target group in a given country or culture to understand a particular message. The localized content usually feels more natural to the native speaker and is clear and easy to understand.

So, what kind of content should be localized?


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