Rules for the provision of translation and interpretation services by Diuna Group Sp. z o.o.

General provisions

1. These Rules (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) define the rules for the provision of translation and interpretation services to Clients by Diuna Group Sp. z o.o.

2. The agreement for translation between Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. and the Client is concluded upon written confirmation of the conditions of the order by the Client (the conditions include in particular: type of service, gross price, method, place and date of payment and completion time).

§ 2
Placing of orders

1. Documents for translation are sent to Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. in the electronic form to: as an attachment or delivered in person, sent by post or courier by the Client to Diuna offices. If the text of the translation is contained in a document, the rules for its delivery are set out in § 3(6).

2. Based on the documents received, Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. prepares the quote for the Client, specifying the conditions of service delivery.

3. By confirming the conditions of the service delivery, the Client accepts the provisions of these “Rules for Provision of Translation and Interpretation Services by Diuna Group Sp. z o.o.” and agrees to perform the obligations specified in the conditions of the order (i.e.. obligation to pay the remuneration timely and in the agreed manner set out in those order conditions).

4. Cancellation of the interpretation service Order is to be made in writing by email or by telephone.

§ 3
Written translation

1. Translation may be delivered as an uncertified (regular) or certified translation.

2. The price for regular translation is calculated based on the number of standard pages in a translated text..

3. One standard page of a regular translation consists of 1800 characters with spaces. The number of pages is rounded up to a full standard page

4. The price for certified translation is calculated based on the number of standard pages in a translated text. One standard page consists of 1125 characters with spaces. The number of pages is rounded up to a full standard page.
At the Client’s request, Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. can provide additional copies of certified translations for 50% of the translation price.

5. The method and date of translation delivery are agreed upon individually with the Client, and the content of this agreement does not constitute part of the order conditions referred to in § 1(2). In this case, the delivery date agreed upon with the Client is the day of service provision. Saturdays, Sundays, and other public holidays are not taken into account in determining the method and time of translation delivery unless otherwise agreed.

6. The Client sends the documents for translation to the following address:
Diuna Group Sp. z o.o.
Słowicza 33
02-170 Warsaw

7. Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. confirms the receipt of the documents for translation and specifies the delivery date and the cost of translation.

8. Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. delivers the written translation according to the arrangements agreed upon with the Client as to the method of receipt. The receipt of translation can occur in person or the translation may be delivered by: post, courier, and email to the address indicated by the Client.

9. Cancellation of an Order for a translation service is to be made in writing by email or by telephone. If an Order for translation is cancelled during its performance, the Client is charged for the costs resulting directly from the volume of text translated up to the moment of cancelling the Order, however not less that 30%.

§ 4

1. The Client orders the interpretation service by telephone or in writing to the following address::
Diuna Group sp. z o.o.
ul. Słowicza 33
02-170 Warsaw

2. Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. undertakes to agree with the Client on the date and estimated cost of the provision of the interpretation service, which is sent to the Client by email.

3. The working time of an interpreter is calculated from the time the interpretation begins until the time the interpretation ends, as specified in the Order, including breaks between individual parts of the interpretation. The settlement, however, is to be made per the actual duration of the interpretation service, which is to be calculated from the time the interpreter reports for work to the time the Client exempts the interpreter from the interpretation service.

4. For interpretation, the unit of account is a 4-hour block..

5. In the case of simultaneous interpretation, the unit of account is a 4-hour block. Simultaneous interpretation is always performed by 2 interpreters..

6. Each commenced 4-hour block counts as a full block.

7. In the case of out-of-town interpretation, the minimum daily fee equals the rate for 2 blocks.

8. In the case of out-of-town interpretation, the Client covers the costs of the interpreter’s travel, accommodation, and meals.

9. If an interpretation order is cancelled later than 14 working days before the scheduled commencement of interpretation, a cancellation fee of 50% of the order is charged; if an interpretation order is cancelled 7 days before the scheduled commencement of interpretation, the cancellation fee amounts to 100% of the service value. A change of the date of the service less that 15 working days before the scheduled commencement of the service provision shall be treated as cancellation.

§ 5

1. The Client is obliged to pay the remuneration based on an invoice or a bill. Sales documents are issued after the Order has been completed by Diuna Group Sp. z o.o.

2. For the first order, a proforma invoice is issued, the payment of which is necessary for Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. to proceed with the order.

3. Payments are made by transfer to the bank account indicated on the invoice or in cash at the Office’s cash desk.

§ 6

1. Should Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. determine that the complaint is justified, the faults and mistakes are removed free of charge by Diuna Group Sp. z o.o., provided that they are reported within 7 days from the date of receipt of the translation by the Client. Complaints submitted after this period may be handled by Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. for a fee.

2. Submitting a complaint does not change the payment deadline for the service.

3. The amount of compensation for any damage incurred as a result of the translation performed by Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. is limited to the amount of remuneration payable to Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. for the performance of the order.

4. Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. may claim overdue payments and charge late payment interest in accordance with the applicable legislation as well as make use of debt collection services provided by third parties.

5. As a result, in case the Client exceeds the payment date, Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. has the right to transfer the claims for overdue payment to third parties, to which the Client agrees..

§ 7
Copyrights and confidentiality

1. Proprietary copyrights and other intellectual property rights to the translation are transferred to the Client immediately after the full amount due has been paid, based on the evidence of sales issued by Diuna Group Sp. z o.o..

2. All documents and information provided by the Client as well as the content of interpretation are to be treated as confidential and are not to be made available to third parties, except for publicly available materials (press and Internet publications, publicly available legal acts, etc.).

3. Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to perform its obligations under the agreement concluded with the Client employing third parties.

4. All Client’s personal data within the meaning of the provisions of the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter referred to as the GDPR, are collected and processed for the proper performance of the services.

5. Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. undertakes all necessary measures to protect the Client’s personal data and any other data provided, including, in particular, documents submitted for translation.

6. If the documents for translation contain personal data concerning a third party, the Client is obliged to have this third party’s consent, within the meaning of Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, to transfer the personal data concerning them to Diuna Group Sp. z o.o.

7. The personal data contained in the documents, as referred to in Article 9(1) of the GDPR, can only be transferred in a pseudonymised form and, if possible, the Client is obliged to inform Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. before providing such documents and not to provide such data before receiving the consent to do so.

§ 7
Final provisions

1. These Rules apply to the issues that are not regulated separately between Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. and the Client. In issues not regulated by these Rules, the provisions of generally applicable law apply.

2. If one of the provisions of these Rules is considered invalid in whole or in part, or impossible to comply with, the remaining provisions remain valid and in force, and the provisions affected by the invalidity or impossibility are replaced by the most similar provisions taking into account mandatory legal provisions.

3. Any disputes arising from the provisions of these Rules or the provided services are settled by the common court competent for the headquarters of Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. However, Diuna Group Sp. z o.o. and the Client will seek to resolve disputes amicably.


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