Diuna Localization

Localizing games, software, websites as well as performing transcreations is our pride and joy. We support small productions and we offer free translations of game descriptions into Polish, English and Chinese to help you position your game on Steam!

Game localization

Software localization

Website localization

Multimedia localization


Multilingual SEO

Additional services

LQA tests


Localizing game descriptions on Steam

Completed projects

See what localization projects we have completed for our clients

Free localization of game descriptions on Steam

Use the form on our website and send us the description of your game on Steam. We will translate it for free into Polish, English and Chinese.

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Get a Quick Quote

Need a quick translation quote? Or maybe have a few questions regarding the type of service, the language or the delivery time? 

Upload your file and ask away – our Project Manager will contact you in two shakes of a sandworm’s tail. 😎

Contact Form


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